The author of Portland Hill Walks presents an array of twenty self-guided walking tours of the backstreets and neighborhoods of Portland and five nearby towns, all easily accessible by public transportation, offering fun facts, historical and cultural details, shopping and eating suggestions, and other things to see and do along each route. Original.
Road, which traverses the lowlands between Mount Talbert and Mount Scott. Immediately you begin to climb the south flank of Mount Scott, a 1,091-foot bulky and largely bald peak, passing all manner of residential STA RTI N G POI NT ...
What Portlander modeled swimwear in the U.S. Senate? Explore the city's streets, stairs, trails, and hidden passageways to discover the stories and spirit of a town rated among the country's most livable places.
Whatever the reason, stairs are an excellent way to get yourself up or down a landscape, and Portland, Oregon has a whole lot of them built into our public sidewalk and trail infrastructures.With Portland Stair Walks as your guide, you'll ...
Portland has 196 public staircases, an irresistible asset to this pedestrian-friendly city. In The Portland Stairs Book, Portland's walking guru Laura Foster has gathered the best and most interesting in a handy pocket-sized guide.
"A guidebook to the hidden, outdoor, public staircases around the Rose City"--
Local author Becky Ohlsen guides you through 33 unique walking tours in the city that’s famous for its great beer and for serious dining on a reasonable budget.
Portland's Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) was designed to hold the bursting metropolitan area in check while protecting Willamette Valley orchards and fields from sprawling suburbia. David Oates traveled the 260-mile...
With an emphasis on easy access to the outdoors and fitness, features of this guide include: Trailhead directions, including public transit where available “Know Before You Go” tips for park hours, events, etc.
Featuring 33 self-guided walking tours, Walking Portland leads readers through the city's interesting, scenic, and historic places.
L. Mountain Campground and Trailhead. The elevation at the trailhead is 1,650 feet. There is adequate parking, restrooms, ... The viewof the south face of Saddle Mountain is worth theshort but steep(inspots)hike tothetop.