Provides advice for creating a year-round garden, including information on choosing trees, shrubs, and ornamental plants and adding containers and structures.
In The Nonstop Color Garden, author Nellie Neal shows how to use color as an exciting element in your garden during all four seasons--and it's not just flowers!
Edger , woodland, groundcover, blender and weaver, flavors May wine, fixative in perfume and potpourri Division in spring Moderately invasive; pull back unwanted plants Like a delicate, miniature Pachysandra, sweet woodruff makes a good ...
With practical tips and high-end design ideas, The Less is More Garden can help you turn your small backyard into a unique space that is lovely to look at, family-friendly, and low maintenance.
Shares methods of growing vegetables, flowers, and fruits vertically with tips on choosing a site, composting, and controlling weeds, pests, and disease.
“God invented mulching,” wrote Ruth Stout, who followed her 1955 book How to Have a Green Thumb Without an Aching Back: A New Method of Mulch Gardening with the equally offbeat early-'60s classic Gardening Without Work.
“An inspirational book, with encouraging words and down-to-earth advice for achieving a year-round beautiful garden.” —Michael Marriott, chief rosarian at David Austin Roses In this practical and inspirational guide, Greg Loades ...
Packed with glorious images and practical tips, A Year at Brandywine Cottage will inspire you to live a life enriched by nature every day of the year.
Translation of: Mon beau potager. Translated by: Heather Camlot.
Using full-color photos, the author shows you 272 perennials -- arranged according to month of bloom -- to grow in your garden so you can have wonderful color and texture from March through November -- and even winter interest throughout ...
Bursting with practical advice on establishment and maintenance, the book also embraces plants for pots, cutting, difficult spaces and tiny gardens, and features long-season gardens from around the world.