Making Jesus Lord
FOCUSING ON LIFE ( 10 minutes ) Discuss : What are some typical childhood fears that you or others have had ? ( Let students respond . ) What were some reasons for fearing those things ? ( because they were unknown or unpredictable ...
Barry St. Clair. Following Jesus Purpose . Fulfillment . They come to those who follow Christ . But what does it really mean to follow Him ? This book can help you : • Deal with doubts about knowing Christ • Experience God's love ...
“ OK , tell me something new . ” What's new is what that really means . The Apostle Paul expresses it clearly in 1 Timothy 1 : 5 , “ The goal of this command is love , which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a ...
Here is a workable plan for having personal Bible study and communicating with God through prayer . ... Maturity series are : Following Jesus Making Jesus Lord Giving Away Your Faith Influencing Your World Barry St. Clair is Director of ...
Barry St. Clair. OVER 400,000 MOVING TOWARD MATURITY BOOKS IN PRINT ! How can my friends get to know Jesus Christ ? I want to help them , but I'm not sure what to say . And I'm afraid of how they might respond .
Growing on
This book is written for those eager to see God use ordinary relationships and conversations between ordinary Christians to work extraordinary miracles in the lives of his people.
Books in Print
Real Change: Becoming More Like Jesus in Everyday Life is based on the CCEF model of change from David Powlison's course, Dynamics of Biblical Change.