Fear has become a way of life in todays world. We are under a constant barrage of threatening news and the dread of sickness, violence, hate, and social instability. The Fear Factor shows how fear develops, ex-poses its roots, and provides biblically based solutions to our deepest anxieties. Using 1 John 4: 18, the author admonishes readers to allow perfect love to cast out fear in our lives. Readers will learn to identify causes of fear in their lives, including: Fear of Failure Fear of Death Fear of Change Fear of Man
They do not presume success, and if they have a problem, they don’t expect to receive help or even a second chance. Rebecca D. Cox draws on five years of interviews and observations at community colleges.
Fear will cause you to hide and disappear deep down inside. What's even more sinister, it can kill you. This book is not a promise that all fear will be wiped away like a spot on a mirror because ironically, some fear is good for us.
But as the elevator ascends toward the client's office on the 14th floor of the Fearn Tower office building, Steven's life is about to change forever. In this book you will learn.
The Fear Factor
The Fear Factor: The Core of a Desperate Society
The Fear Factor
Fiendishly smart and suspenseful, The Fear Index gives us a searing glimpse into an all-too-recognizable world of greed and panic.
75 of the grossest, scariest, and creepiest photos to show you what contestants are willing to try in order to win on a reality show.
The Fear Factor shows how fear develops, exposes its roots, and provides biblically based solutions to our deepest anxieties. Using 1 John 4:18, the author admonishes.
For fear has to do with punishment , and he who fears is not perfected love . ( 1 Jn 4:18 ) Loving obedience to God and loving service to our brothers and sisters has the power to “ cast out fear . ” Our relationship with the Lord ...