A collection of articles that present information on police agencies and law-enforcement authorities in United States history.
"An Introduction to American Policing, Second Edition" connects the US criminal justice system, criminology, and law enforcement knowledge to the progress of the police community. It is the perfect resource for a Police Science course.
This text will also provide a current description of local and state police organization partnerships with federal organizations and of the efforts accomplished by federal law enforcement agencies including the Department of Homeland ...
Commissioner: A View from the Top of American Law Enforcement
From the establishment of the New World to the establishment of the Colonial Militia; from emergence of the Jim Crow Era to the emergence of the National Guard; from the creation of the U.S. Marshalls, federal law enforcement agencies, and ...
Todd. Foglesong,. and. Christine. Cole. examined. the. success. of. the. Los. Angeles. consent. decree. part. of. the. way. through. implementation.182. The. preliminary. results. were. extremely. positive.183.
8William E. Leuchtenburg , Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal ( New York : Harper and Row , Publishers , Inc. , 1963 ) , p . 334 . Chapter 9 THE WAR YEARS AND AFTER : 1940-1949 Any The Thirties - A New Deal for the Police ...
A GOVERNMENT OF WOLVES paints a chilling portrait of a nation in the final stages of transformation into outright authoritarianism, whose citizens have become little more than a nation of suspects to be cowed, corralled, and controlled.
Current Issues in American Law Enforcement: Controversies and Solutions
Newly added material brings the story through 2020, including analysis of the Ferguson protests, the Obama and Trump administrations, and the George Floyd protests.