This classic "must have" is NDA's most popular publication. Includes locomotor/nonlocomotor movement, assessment, and interdisciplinary topics.
Part of PsycBOOKS collection.
In D. Strickland & L. M. Morrow ( Eds . ) , Emerging literacy : Young children learn to read and write ( pp . 16–26 ) . GOODMAN , K. ( 1986 ) . What's whole in whole language . Portsmouth , NH : : Heinemann . GOODMAN , K. ( 1991 ) .
Schaefer , E. S. A home tutoring program . Children , March - April , 1969 , 59-61 . Schaffer , H. R. , & Emerson , P. The development of social attachments in infancy . Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development ...
... < your name > in the body of the message Down Syndrome Quarterly ( online journal ) Down Syndrome Society of Southern Australia European Down Syndrome resources 235.
BRUUN , R. , SHAPIRO , A. , SHAPIRO , E. , SWEET , R. , WAYNE , H. , and SOLOMON , G. E. A follow - up of 78 patients with Gilles de la Tourette's Syndrome , American Journal of Psychiatry , 1976 , 33 ( 8 ) , 944 .
... 63 , 65 , 67 , 70 , 71 , 72 , 73 , 74 , 78 , 125 , 157 Rubin , L. , 143 Rudd , P. J. , 115 Ryan , K. , 125 Taft ... 113 , 114 Tzuriel , D. , 67 Vasquez - Nuttall , E. , 69 Vetter , L. , 144 Vondracek , F. W. , 156 , 161 Sabatelli ...
Kagan J : The Nature of the Child . New York , McGraw - Hill Book Co , 1984 . Knobloch H , Stevens F , Malone A : A Manual of Developmental Diagnosis : The Administration and Interpretation of the Revised Gesell and Amatruda ...
Repert, S.M. and Weaver, D.R. (2002) Coordination of circadian timing in mammals, Nature, 418: 935–41. Richardson, K. and Sheldon, S. (eds) (1989) Cognitive Development to Adolescence. Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum. Rizzolatti, G., Fadiga, L., ...
马登曾是《成功》杂志的第一撰稿人,那些一度深受其启迪的人后来相继成为该杂志的编辑,包括著名的拿破仑·希尔(Napoleon Hill)、W.克莱门·斯通(W. Clement Stone)、斯科特·德加摩(Scott DeGarmo)和理查德·坡(Richard Poe)等。像许多新思想拥护者那样, ...
害怕交往、不敢见人、不愿表达是许多孩子的通病,然而,这样的性格特点并不利于孩子的发展。家长们都希望孩子能开朗乐观、自信勇敢,但问题是,该如何培养这些特质呢?实际 ...