Variation and changes in the salaries of members of the American Institute of Physics are examined. Graphics highlighting some of the patterns are presented, along with detailed tables and brief summary text. The data are based on a sample survey of the U.S. members conducted in spring 1982. The overall response rate was 67 percent. Tables cover salaries and geographic location, salaries and employer type for Ph.Ds, salaries and employer type for master's and bachelor's degrees, salaries and primary work activity, and salaries and employer type for males and females. Most of the discussion centers on median and quantile salaries. The tables also present for comparison the salary means and standard deviations along with the median ages of each group. Information on salary change between 1981 and 1982 is included. The most typical comparisons are cross-sectional, by which the 1982 median salary of industrially employed Ph.Ds are compared to the median salary of similarly employed individuals in 1981. In addition, longitudinal data, which looks at the same people at 2 or more points in time, provide a better picture of these actual increases. Technical notes are included. (SW)
Broad-banding in the Federal Government: Technical Report
Top Executive Compensation
This book will be of interest to students of economics and environmental studies.
International Capital Markets : Recent Developments and Short - Term Prospects , by a Staff Team Headed by R.C. Williams , Exchange and Trade Relations Department . 1980 . 2. Economic Stabilization and Growth in Portugal , by Hans O.