Contracting with the private sector is not new to public schools, but what is new is the scope of the services and programs offered by businesses and used by schools. This publication presents responses to a survey completed by 354 school districts belonging to the National School Boards Association (NSBA) about privatizing a wide array of school services. Section 1 discusses the use of private sector services by local school boards as an option for meeting the challenge of improving education. Section 2 includes brief descriptions of innovative ways in which school districts are using the services of the private sector for management services or instructional programs, as well as discussions of the experiences of districts that have considered and rejected privatization programs or services. Section 3 includes basic information about the districts that responded to the NSBA survey. Sixty-two percent of responding school districts have considered privatizing overall district operations or special areas of school management or instruction. In general, school management functions are more likely to be contracted out than instructional programs, with special education, at 14%, the most likely to be contracted out. (Contains eight figures.) (SLD)
3 (2000): 846–54; Mark Schneider andJack Buckley, “What Do Parents Want from Schools? Evidence from the Internet,” in Occasional Paper Series (New York: National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education, 2001); Kevin B. Smith ...
Hearing on school vouchers and public schools, to examine whether vouchers, which won't get close to providing education funds to pay for private school education, will improve academic results in the District of Columbia.
The book collects the interdisciplinary, multi-racial, and multi-ethnic perspectives of education experts to address the questions of millions of anxious African American families: "Would sending our children to a private school or a ...
The School Choice Roadmap is an optimistic, empowering book that cuts through the confusion in K-12 education-so that you can give your children every opportunity to succeed in school and in life"--
School. Choice. Market. Behavior. Viewing school choice through the lens of interest group politics enables us to draw ... within specific markets than on value‐laden arguments for understanding the creation of school choice policies.
This book will teach you how to: Graduate from medical school with as little debt as possible Escape from student loans within two to five years of residency graduation Purchase the right types and amounts of insurance Decide when to buy a ...
This is why so many parents are turning to the private schools to get their children the very best in the way of education. Discover everything you need to know by grabbing a copy of this ebook today.
The school-to-prison pipeline is not what it is popularly advertised to be by the major media, whereby the installation of safety officers and security personnel in schools to protect the learning environment for all the students leads to ...
The Public Option shows that opportunities to develop reasonably priced government-provided services that coexist with private options are all around us.
Where to Send Your Child: Private, Public or Home School? Volume 1