Focusing: Black Male-female Relationships

Focusing: Black Male-female Relationships
Social Science / Ethnic Studies / American / African American & Black Studies
Third World Press
Delores P. Aldridge


This timely work propels our understanding of African American men and women beyond the crossroads. Dr. Aldridge's insight and vision place Black male-female relationships in a liberating framework from which Blacks can initiate the crucial tasks of reclaiming ourselves, restoring our traditions, and reconstructing the African world.

A masterful examination of the myths and socio-political causes of discord between Black men and women. The author suggests that any attempt to study male/female relationships among Black Americans which fails to place the interpersonal within the broad institutional context falls short of providing a broad or macroanalytical model. In Focusing, Dr. Aldridge has provided that model.

Other editions

  • Focusing
    • 2010-08-03
    • 192 pages
    • Paperback
    • Random House
  • Focusing
    • 1982-08
    • 174 pages
    • Paperback
    • Bantam

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