Food and the City explores the physical, social, and political relations between the production of food and urban settlements. Essays offer a variety of perspectives—from landscape and architectural history to geography—on the multiple scales and ideologies of productive landscapes across the globe from the sixteenth century to the present.
This case study focuses on Fish Friendly Farming, part of a nonprofit organization, the California Land Stewardship Institute.
Tillage agriculture has led to widespread soil and ecosystem degradation. This book reviews research and development initiatives in Africa aimed at building resilient farming systems.
Technologies for Sustainable Vegetable Production in the Tropical Lowlands
"By 2050, nearly 10 billion people will live on the planet. Can we produce enough food sustainably? World Resources Report: Creating a Sustainable Food Future shows that it is possible - but there is no silver bullet.
In addition to the economic development ramifications, information from this analysis can overcome an important barrier to entry into organic farm production and provide producers with decision-making information to guide them through ...
[11] R.H.V. Corley, How much palm oil do we need?, Environmental Science and Policy, vol. ... F., Opdam, P., Polman, N., and Termeer, C. (eds) Scale-Sensitive Governance of the Environment, West Sussex, Wiley-Blackwell, 2014, pp.
The second part of the book looks at current research on meeting pig nutritional requirements, including understanding and modelling pig nutritional requirements to optimise feeding, as well as the role of vitamins, exogenous enzymes, ...
This volume looks at animal health and welfare. Part 1 reviews the main diseases affecting pigs as well as ways of managing diseases and boosting pig immune function.
Sustainable agriculture extension manual: for Eastern and Southern Africa