Be prepared to discover the incredible joy, power, healing and anointing that is yours as a child of God! This book leads you through the steps of preparation for the ministry of deliverance that awaits you. You'll also discover how to help others enjoy complete spiritual freedom. You'll learn how to break the chains that have kept many young believers sick, afflicted, unhappy, tormented and bound by the enemy. And you'll understand why the ministry of deliverance goes hand in hand with the ministry of evangelism, fulfilling the church's great commission. Bottari's life goal is to train mature Christians to help others experience complete freedom and release to fulfill God's divine purposes.
The Devil and Karen Kingston
The Devil and Karen Kingston
“It‟s complicated Perry, to be sure,” said the priest. “Yes,” Perry Smith answered. “Henry David Wells?” asked Perry. “A great and misunderstood author,” the priest answered. “Yes,” Smith said, snottily. “So he is not Stephen King,” ...
The Exorcist Tradition in Islam
There is freedom from the torment of the enemy!
The subject of the book could be a panacea for very many of our world's misfortunes.
The Great Grimoire of Pope Honorius
Exorzismus, oder, Liturgie zur Befreiung vom Bösen: Informationen und Beiträge zu einer notwendigen Diskussion in der katholischen Kirche
The Exorcist and the Possessed