(荷)斯奥道勒斯·克拉迪斯, (法)皮埃尔-约瑟夫·雷杜德, (英)约瑟夫·达顿·胡克, (英)约翰·林立, (德)艾米·邦普兰德登. 学名:Nymphaea lotus 科属:睡莲科睡莲属原产地:非洲睡莲的原产地在热带非洲,是多年水生草本的出水性水生植物,英文称为water lily。
隨著社會經濟、科學技術及生活水準的提高,人們對健康日益重視,尤其是對維持生命的食物格外關注,其中一般大眾最熟悉的是利用有機農業生產的有機食物及近年來陸續被科學家發現對人體健康有益的植化素。這兩項食品自從被商品化後,多強調其優點,忽視了生產環境與生產過程。以一位站在多年來從事台灣農業發展研究者的立場,有義務也有責任提醒農業生產者:在進行有機栽培時是否對栽培環境進行過詳盡的調查與評估?提醒消費者:在享用有機產品時可曾注意到它的安全性?因此,本書希望藉第三版能從植物營養的角度對有機農業及植化素做適當的補充,繼續呼籲社會大眾要保護我們的生存環境,尤其是農業的生產環境,並督促政府及早制定合乎永續發展的農業政策,徹底解決全民賴以生存的食的問題。 本書最終的目標是希望揭開「植物營養學」學術面紗,除了整合有系統的知識,供研習植物營養學的學生及農業生產者或研究者參考外,更希望一般民眾能透過本書對和我們生活息息相關的植物生產與營養有深入了解。並體會到唯有在一個理想的環境與社會,植物的營養與人的營養健康才有保障。
Ranging from huge cacti and broadleaf trees to tiny arctic flowers, flowering plants are the most vital component of global biodiversity. They provide the crops that feed us, medicines, oils,...
Aimed at both nature lovers and at tourists visiting Scotland, this text describes all the species commonly found in the country. The book is divided into four habitat sections: around...
An all-in-one source for beginner and expert alike. Learn how to prepare a bed, select and combine the right flowers, maintain the plants and create months of nonstop color and...
Categorized by color, this encyclopedic listing of one thousand varieties of plants and foliage details each variety's shape, color, texture, use in flower arrangements, and cultivation and offers advice on...
An international reference to all aspects of water gardening. Part One, written by expert Peter Robinson, is based on work originally undertaken by the late Frances Perry and provides specific...
The New Flower Gardener is a spectacular flower-by-flower guide featuring forty kinds of flowering plants. Arranged by shape, color, and common name, each double-page spread gives both novice and seasoned...
Lilies are among the most glamorous and exotic of plants, yet they are surprisingly easy to cultivate in a wide range of temperate climates -there is a lily perfect for...
South Africa, together with Lesotho and Swaziland, has a diverse landscape and equally varied flora, which encompasses some 19,000 shrubs and herbs, a large proportion of which bear flowers of...