Contains information on 15 different topics. Answers to questions are decoded using a handheld device.
Exploring America: American History, English, and Bible for High School
Exploring America: American History, English, and Bible for High School
Columbus through Reconstruction
George's eldest brother, Lawrence Washington, had married the daughter of a gentleman named Fairfax, who lived on the banks of the Potomac. Lawrence had a fine home a few miles away on the same river; he called his place Mount Vernon.
For vacationers, this is an informative travel planner to the country's more appealing destinations.
Exploring America Now
"From Adam to Us begins when God created the world and tells the story of mankind into the twenty-first century.
Exploring American History Answer Key
This full-color book tells the story of American healthcare history through color photographs of real objects from museums and both famous and little-known medical discoveries.
Native Americans, exploration and settlement, colonial living. The Revolution, westward expansion. Struggle and strife and the promise of a new century. The path of that history traced from the remnants...