A unique look at the mind and how to actualize its secrets in business and in life, this guide to intuitive thinking and perceiving uses the stories of 12 of America's most successful people to illustrate when to take the leap of faith. Includes exercises that help readers hone their intuitive skills.
"Curiosity, dissent and unofficial opposition on subjects from ADHD to 'addiction'."--Amazon
The daughter of renowned composer Alan Hovhaness, Jean Nandi grew up without the shadow of disability until the age of twenty, when symptoms of muscle weakness and pain marked the beginning of a slowly progressive disability.
Fournier, Ron, Douglas Sosnick, and Matthew Dowd. 2006. Applebee's America. New York: Simon and Schuster. Frank, Thomas. 2004. What's the Matter with Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America. New York: Metropolitan.
Building on insights from the world’s premier family business executive education course, this book offers the Unconventional Wisdom needed to leverage the strategic and cultural uniqueness of a family business for enduring success.
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See, for instance, J. R. Bettman and B. A. Weitz, “Attributions in the Board Room: Causal Reasoning in Corporate Annual Reports,” Administrative Science Quarterly 28 (1983): 165–183; G. R. Salancikand J. R. Meindl, ...
They both championed the involvement of the layman as much as, or more than, the expert. An unbylined Fortune editorial (with an unmistakable Whyte tone) in February 1958 identified the role of laymen in city planning.
Blumenthal, Mark. 2004. Do Undecided Voters Break for the Challenger? http://www.mysterypollster.com/main/2004/09/do_undecided_vo.html. Bond, John R., and R. Fleischer. 2000. Polarized Politics: Congress and the President in a Partisan ...
In this unique book, more than twenty leading economists and experts render thorough, rigorously researched prognoses for the world's major economies over the next five years.
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