Of the many legends to emerge from the vast Amazon basin of South America, none is stranger than the story of the candiru. This sinuous little catfish is said to force its way into the urogenital openings of unsuspecting bathers, causing excruciating pain and even death. Stephen Spotte spent four years investigating the biology of these near-mythical creatures and the reports of their attacks on humans, starting with accounts of early European explorers. His tale is an intricate, compelling mosaic of science and lore. Are the legends true? Read Candiru and find out.
... 1970 ) ; ( c ) Norris Reservoir , Tennessee ( Stroud , 1949 ) ; ( d ) Clear Lake , Iowa ( Carlander and Whitney , 1961 ) ; ( e ) North Caribou Lake , Ontario ( Armstrong , 1961 ) ; and ( f ) Great Slave Lake , Northwest Territories ...
We need . . . quality people who have broad perspective . . . statesmanship ability. ... Several people suggest that industry groups, environmental organizations, scientists, and all other participants be held to standards of truth and ...
Between 1979 and 1990 five booklets in FAO's Better Farming Series dealt with freshwater fish farming in ponds, pens and cages. Written and illustrated by Tom Laughlin, with technical contributions...
Initially published by arrangement with INADES, Institut africain pour le d�veloppement �conomique et social, Abidjan, C�te d'Ivoire, the Better Farming Series booklets are designed as handbooks for intermediate-level agricultural education...
Initially published by arrangement with INADES, Institut africain pour le d�veloppement �conomique et social, Abidjan, C�te d'Ivoire, the Better Farming Series booklets are designed as handbooks for intermediate-level agricultural education...
Originally published in 1948 with 570 species listed, this reference has grown over the years. The previous edition (1991) listed 2,428 species, while this sixth edition, which now includes Mexico...
The lake trout is one of the most elusive fish in North America-and one of the most captivating. Based on thirty years of fishing experience, Lake Trout offers an in...
Reptiles and amphibians ruled the world for nearly 200 million years and today there are still over 12,500 of them. Some are huge, the deadliest creatures on earth. Some are...
Revised in both format and content, this new edition of the standard Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico is based on two decades' research and greater attention to deepwater habitats....
Fish Passage Technologies: Protection at Hydropower Facilities