David Dollar and Edward Wolff look at claims that a deindustrialized United States ison the road to secondrate status in the global marketplace and find them to be both unfounded andsimplistic.
The results indicate that under certain assumptions it is easier to detect cointegration in panel data than in the available time series; moreover, the rate of reversion to long-run equilibrium is estimated with greater precision.
Do you think you could do it?" Discover why thousands of people, from all across the world, are echoing the same chorus, "The Million Dollar Day was the single most-productive day in my life.
swollen with deutschemarks and yen newly created to purchase unwanted dollars from the markets. When the Bundesbank and the Bank of Japan began to raise their interest rates to slow...
Niskanen , William . 1987. “ A Lower Dollar vs. Recession . " New York Times , October 27 . Obstfeld , Maurice . 1994. “ The Logic of Currency Crises . " In Cahiers économiques et monétaires . Vol . 43. Paris : Bank of France . 1995.
With insights from the results of testing and stories of how adjustments transform people, this is a unique and impactful read for today’s digital transformation age.
This key book assesses the international role of the euro, discusses its impact on global financial markets, shifting global exchange rate relationships and their implications.
This volume reviews the extent of the growth slowdown, evaluates several contributing factors, and suggests strategies for improvement.
"Getting the most out of every minute you have to write"--Cover.
How do the benefits of higher education compare with its costs, and how does this comparison vary across individuals and institutions? These questions are fundamental to quantifying the productivity of the education sector.