8.13 Montgomery , C.J. , Kulak , G.L. , and Shwartsburd , G. , “ Deflection of a Composite Floor System ” , Canadian ... 8.15 Mattock , A.H. , “ Shear Transfer in Concrete Having Reinforcement at an Angle to the Shear Plane ” , Special ...
Limit States Design in Structural Steel
This edition has been thoroughly revised in accordance with the 2000 amendment to Part 1 of BS 5950 - all references have been updated and a new section on partial encasement for fire resistance has been added.
Lothers, John E., Design in Structural Steel, Prentice Hall, 1953. Mrazik, Augustin, Mirosla Skaloud, and Miloslav Tochacek, Plastic Design of Steel Structures, Ellis Horwood Limited, 1987. Neal, B.G., The Plastic Methods of Structural ...
Limit States Design in Structural Steel
Completely revised and updated, this fourth edition of Structural Steelwork: Design to Limit State Theory describes the design theory and code requirements for common structures, connections, elements, and frames.
A comprehensive reference which provides the student and the engineer with in-depth guidance on design methods to the UK code of practice for structural steelwork, BS 5950.
The Tenth Edition of this text introduces the changes in the 2014 edition of CSA-S16 standard and the 2013 edition of CSA-G40.20/G40.21.
This book is intended for classroom teaching in architectural and civil engineering at the graduate and undergraduate levels.
The book is supplemented by more than fifty numerical examples that explain in detail the appropriate procedures to deal with each particular problem in the design of steel structures in accordance with Eurocodes.
This edition has been thoroughly revised in accordance with the 2000 amendment to Part 1 of BS 5950 - all references have been updated and a new section on partial encasement for fire resistance has been added.