Unlike many other sasquatch books on the market, this book takes a calm, scientific view of the creature. Dr Krantz examines data that cannot be discounted as fakes, mistakes, hoaxes or lies. Information offered for scrutinisation includes frames of Patterson's 1967 film, a number of footprint events, the problems of faking and anatomies of handprints. Krantz also presents support for his opinion that sasquatch is a normal animal species -- a higher primate related to man and the great apes. An addendum provides readers with the most up-to-date developments in the field. This authoritative publication is sure to stimulate discussion and interest within both the general public and the scientific community.
Sure to be enjoyed by believers and skeptics alike, this book will make you take a closer look into forests everywhere.
There has been a lot of confusion about evidence of the existence of the Sasquatch. Just what is evidence? how is determined? In this book Evidence will be presented from a different perspective than has been previously considered.
Bigfoot, Sasquatch evidence & sightings from Indian lore. Leave the civilized world behind as Raincoast Sasquatch takes you out into the rain-drenched forests of the Pacific Northwest on the trail...
Research and Investigation into proving the existence of Sasquatch, their language and communication skills. Research includes traditional and quantum science.
Sasquatch: Evidence of an Enigma II
Big Foot-prints: A Scientific Inquiry Into the Reality of Sasquatch
"Presents the evidence (or lack therof) and stories of both reported sightings and hoaxes of the large, hairy, man-like creature known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch"--
Already a fan of the wildly successful FINDING BIGFOOT television show on Animal Planet? (One of the top-performing TV shows in the network's history!) Stacked with information for your burning Sasquatch questions, this heavily illustrated ...
This book is sure to interest and intrigue even the most skeptical. cryptozoology
In this volume, Robert and Paul present the full history of the creature in New York and New England together with their analysis and conclusions. DOES BIGFOOT EXIST?