An investigation into the legend of Bigfoot.
The reader will gain from this work an appreciation of the creature far beyond that provided in most other published books on this subject.
As featured in The Washington PostSkeptic or believer, if you have an interest in Bigfoot, you need to read this book.
He has had to continually revise his findings in view of new revelations. The story of the Patterson/Gimlin film is complicated, confusing, and lacking critical details.
In Bigfoot Exposed, biological anthropologist and primate physiology specialist David J. Daegling objectively examines the northwest American myth of Bigfoot.
The Patterson-Gimlin Film, the Hominid seen in it, the remarkably intense debate it has provoked, and the solution to the mystery.This book offers a truly unique analysis of the famous Patterson-Gimlin Film (the “Bigfoot” film, as it is ...
Film journalist Phil Hall traces the convoluted history of how Bigfoot was captured on film.
The definitive guide to Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, and other man-primates from an established author and respected expert on the unexplained and paranormal.
A practical book for new beekeepers and those interested in keeping their own bees, explaining everything they need to know to get started.
An adventure saga filled with colorful and engaging history, this is epic narrative storytelling at its finest.
Discusses sightings of mysterious primates.