Explains and illustrates the mechanical components of cars and how to do maintenance and repair on cars.
Vehicle maintenance.
By performing any of the more than 90 maintenance and repair projects in these pages, you can avoid and fix minor problems and keep your car in perfect running order on your own.
Motor Auto Repair Manual.
"Complete information to help you keep your car in top running order (thereby preventing big repair bills), and how to repair your car if something does go wrong.
Today's cars are complex.
Providing the enthusiast with a sound understanding of how a horse functions, this manual clearly explains in non-technical terms the key elements of the horse's make-up, from legs and joints to teeth and jaws, from body systems to body ...
Volkswagen Air-cooled 1949-1969
Chilton's Auto Repair Manual Activity Guide
Total Car Care is the most complete, step-by-step automotive repair manual you'll ever use.
Covers all U.S. and Canadian models of Ford Focus.