Des informations essentielles (actions thérapeutiques, propriétés, application standard, équipement, etc.) sur plus de 200 herbes et plantes présentant des vertus curatives. [SDM].
Phytotherapy: Fifty Vital Herbs
Herbal First Aid
Natural Care Handbook: Herbal Remedies
التداوي بالأعشاب
Escrito por Andrew Chevallier, um fitoterapeuta e pesquisador da Inglaterra, 'Vida saudável - Ervas medicinais' é um guia completo com 66 ervas medicinais, com as propriedades e uso. O livro...
This book provides the answers, showing how to promote multiple orgasms with gingkoa bilboa, and more.
For further information please contact : Hunter House Inc. , Publishers PO Box 2914 Alameda CA 94501-0914 Library of ... Irons Administration : Theresa Nelson Publisher : Kiran S. Rana Printed and Bound by Publishers Press , Salt Lake ...
Mital , S. P. and B. Singh . 1986. Introduction of genetic resources of some important medicinal and aromatic plants in India . Indian J. Genet . 46 ( 1 ) : 209-216 . Paul , R. and S. R. Vatsa . 1980.
This indispensable master-volume, chronicles about 80 green resources and 600 simplified herbal recipes that are proven cures for a large number of frequently encountered ailments and common health problems.