Heather Robertson's classic account of life and death on the Canadian prairie was praised and reviled with equal vehemence when it first appeared: "a pack of lies" said one reviewer; "dynamite" said another. Both her reporting and analysis are, in fact, explosive. The book offers intimate profiles of four modern prairie towns and of the immense difficulties faced by farmers in Western Canada. It offers sweeping descriptions of the forces that led to the settlement of the West, and examines how those same forces, controlled from eastern Canada, are causing the inexorable decline of many rural communities. Grass Roots is a superb portrait of an imperilled way of life, combining economics, history and politics with a remarkable eye for storytelling.
For instance, Naomi Klein's insightful and well-reported book No Logo takes readers through a cornucopia of obscene corporate misdeeds. At the end of the book the reader is left outraged but still thinking "Now what can I do?
Through the prism of America's most enduring African-inspired art form, the Lowcountry basket, Grass Roots guides readers across 300 years of American and African history. In scholarly essays and beautiful...
In 1912 old reformers like former governors Campbell and Culberson joined such newcomers as Houston's mayor ... Keith L. Bryant , Jr. , Alfalfa Bill Murray ( Norman : University of Oklahoma Press , 1968 ) , 99-104 ; Hollis ( Okla . ) ...
John Torinus Jr., author of The Company That Solved Health Care, the eye-opening book detailing one company’s game-changing health care program, now presents The Grassroots Health Care Revolution.
Discusses how community organizations can raise money from members, supporters, and the public, and outlines how to put on fund-raising events The Grass Roots Fundraising Book is an indispensable resource for novice community fundraisers.
With an introduction by Cal Ripken, Jr., a foreword by Steve Wulf, and an afterword by Johnny Bench, this book makes the perfect gift for baseball fans of all teams.
A collection of essays drawn from the author's experience in rural Minnesota considers the contrast between the clarity of truth in nature and man's attempt to define it himself
Socialist Cities is a comparative treatment of grass-roots Socialist successes.
Marcellus Protest was sometimes mentioned in pessimistic terms at Shadbush meetings, but there was no elaboration of the ... For example, when the group decided to host a potluck dinner for persons who might want to become supporters of ...
A study of Henry Ford and rural America in the 1920s