Joints are secure . Inlay work is carefully inserted . The carving is not chipped or cracked ( see “ Care of argillite ” ' section ) . - Figure 35. Argillite model totem pole by Richard Adkins , Haida , 1978. Eagle and beaver .
In 1965, after studying hundreds of bentwood boxes and chests, he published Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of Form. This book is a foundational reference on northern Northwest Coast Native art.
Seattle: University of Washington Press and Vancouver/Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre, 1986. - Jonaitis, Aldona, ed. Chiefly Feasts: The Enduring Kwakiutl Potlatch. New York: American Museum of Natural History; Seattle: University of ...
This companion manual to Volume 1 puts First Nations art into deeper cultural context, providing Native Indian philosophy, knowledge and skills foundation, code of ethics, and interviews with a contemporary First Nations family, as well as ...
This book contains step-by-step instructions and illustrations on the basics of drawing, designing, painting and carving in the Pacific Northwest Coast Native Indian art style.
A classic book on Native American art and culture is back in print, in a new edition that includes updates to the artists' biographies and Native American names. The Legacy...
Written during the course of the last decade, these essays offer an accessible, often anecdotal, journey through one professional anthropologist's concerns about, and hopes for, his discipline and its future.
A fresh perspective from Haida leaders, art and cultural historians, anthropologists and artists on the lasting legacy of the famed Haida artist Bill Reid.
... number of times by Londoners and, occasionally, American visitors who were kind enough to offer me objects they had found in the London markets. Leyland and Crystal Peyton, who had an eagle eye for spotting works of ethnic interest ...
Understanding Northwest Coast Art: A Guide to Crests, Beings, and Symbols
(RE-E)VALU(AT)ING SCHOOL MATHEMATICSTODAY Almost 20 years have passed since data were collected for the first TIMSS ... Analysis of video data collected in TIMSS 1999 was published in a well-known book titled The Teaching Gap by James ...