Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide: An introduction to sustainable development planning
A collection of case studies, excerpts from books and other publications, and examples of ordinances and codes designed to help communities remain ecologically, socially, and economically viable.
The Race to Recruit: Strategies for Successful Business Attraction (Washington)
Participatory Approaches to Research and Development in IIED: Learning from Experience
Re-moving the Goalposts: Perspectives on Women and Regeneration
The book assesses the application of the partnership model in tackling social exclusion, canvasses the views of various stakeholders as to its policy impact, and makes recommendations for the continued operation of local partnerships as an ...
Introducting Urban Community Development in South Africa
Big Time Sports and Downtown Redevelopment Timothy Jon Curry, Kent P. Schwirian, Rachael Woldoff Zane L Miller ... Michael A. Pagano and Ann O'M. Bowman, Cityscapes and Capital: The Politics of Urban Development (Baltimore: Johns ...
This study examined the impact of welfare reform on housing owned by community development corporations (CDCs), investigating how early implementation of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) affected ...
Social and Community Work in Specific Settings
The Time of Our Lives: Using Time Banking for Neighbourhood Renewal and Community Capacity Building