Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory

Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory
Psychology / Cognitive Psychology & Cognition
Hogrefe & Huber
Hans J. Markowitsch, Lars-Goran Nilsson


This book gives an integrated overview of anatomical, functional, and cognitive-behavioral aspects of memory and long-term information processing in both normal subjects as well as in brain-damaged or psychiatric patients. The volume contains both contributions from leading experts in the various fields, including Endel Tulving, and chapters expressing alternative views and new approaches, as well as discussions of terminology and current controversies.

The book is unique in that it takes a theoretically integrated "cognitive" approach to the neurosciences. The principle themes include: neural representation of information and the means of examining them; dynamic brain imaging methods; the implications of recent results on the interdependence of brain and behavior; and frameworks for explaining seemingly discrepant or incompatible findings.

Providing clear and readable coverage of the terminology and topics that are essential for an understanding of current theories and work in the neurosciences, this volume is essential reading for all neuroscientists interested in cognition, including graduate students and researchers.

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