Meta-analysis: A Comparison of Approaches

Meta-analysis: A Comparison of Approaches
Psychology / Applied Psychology
Hogrefe & Huber
Ralf Schulze


Table of ContentsPreface - IntroductionTheory: Statistical Methods of Meta-Analysis - Effect Sizes - Families of Effect Sizes - The r Family: Correlation Coefficients as Effect Sizes - The d Family: Standardized Mean Differences as Effect Sizes - Conversion of Effect Sizes - A General Framework of Meta-Analysis - Fixed Effects Model - Random Effects Model - Mixture Models - Classes of Situations for the Application of Meta-Analysis - Approaches to Meta-Analysis - Hedges and Olkin - Procedures for r as Effect Size - Procedures for d as Effect Size - Rosenthal and Rubin - Hunter and Schmidt - Refined Approaches - DerSimonian-Laird - Olkin and Pratt - Changes in Parameters to be Estimated by the Choice of an Approach - Comparisons of the Approaches - SummaryMethod: Monte Carlo Study - Aims and General Procedure - Distributions in the Universe of Studies - Parameters - Drawing Random Correlation Coefficients - Approximations to the Sampling Distribution of r - Evaluation of the Approximations - Details of Programming - SummaryResults - Preliminaries - Estimation of Parameter r - Bias and Accuracy - Homogeneous Situation S1 - Heterogeneous Situation S2 - Heterogeneous Situation S3 - Relative Efficiency of the Estimators - Significance Tests: Testing r = 0 - Confidence Intervals - Homogeneity Tests - The Q-Test - Homogeneous Situation S1: Type I Error Rates - Heterogeneous Situations S2 and S3: Power - The Hunter-Schmidt Approach to the Test of Homogeneity: The 75% and 90% Rule - Estimates of Heterogeneity Variance - Homogeneous situation S1 - Heterogeneous Situations S2 and S3Summary - Discussion - List of Figures - List of Tables - Nomenclature - References - Appendix A: TechnicalDetails of the Simulation Procedure - Beta Distributions in the Universe of Effect Sizes - An Annotated Mathematica Notebook for a Comparison of Approximations to the Exact Density of R - Appendix B: Tables and Figures of Results - Estimation of the Parameter r - Subject Index -

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