He enthused about Operation Mark and offered me a place in the Banbury household. It was like a family to me. I was very excited with the kingdom of God and keen to learn, but I was hot-headed, too. At one Banbury meeting, I prophesied.
Gerhard Friedrich , ed . , Theological Dictionary of the New Testament , trans . Geoffrey W. Bromiley ( Grand Rapids , Mich .: Wm . B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. , 1972 ) , Vol . VI , p . 791 . 7. Friedrich , p . 795 . 8. Friedrich , p .
Cole, Jennifer, and Lynn Thomas. 2009. Introduction: Thinking through love in Africa. In Love in Africa, edited by J. Cole and L. Thomas, pp. 1–29. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Coleman, Simon. 2000.
If we can't love them then how can we love God whom we have not seen ? ” Jim graphically pointed out that serving God is more than lip service . As an illustration , he said , “ If I should say to Dan Malachuk over and over again ...
Revival, Toronto and the Church Today
Noel Davson and I were walking one day down Buckingham Street , a small street which runs down to the river Thames and parallel to Charing Cross station . Noel was to be a trustee and our first treasurer . We were chatting together ...
Apostolic Networks in Britain: New Ways of Being Church
New wine or old deception?: a biblical perspective of experience-based Christianity
Keep the Flame Burning: Igniting the People of God for the Next Move of the Spirit
From Fear-Based to Holiness-Based: Thoughts About the Work of the Holy Spirit in Youth Ministry-Joshua Ziefle; 18. A Future for Holiness in Pentecostal Practice-Marcia Clarke; A Concluding Parable: The Fire and the Fence-Rickie D. Moore.