Explosive growth of wireless communications is demanding increased system capacity for mobile communications satellites - and the expert authors of this first-of-a-kind book explore a promising, cost-effective solution: digital beamforming (DBF) technology.
"This book investigates the most advanced theories and methodologies of array beamforming, with a focus on antenna array enabled wireless communication technology.
This book presents an alternative and simplified approaches for the robust adaptive detection and beamforming in wireless communications.
This book provides a comprehensive review and in-depth study on efficient beamforming design and rigorous performance analysis in mmWave networks, covering beam alignment, beamforming training and beamforming-aided caching.
In this book, the authors first present an overview of beamforming antennas and millimeter wave communications followed by a discussion on the challenges and issues facing MAC and multi-hop routing in the wireless networks with beamforming ...
Transmit Beamforming in Modern Wireless Communications: From Theory to Practice in LTE and Wifi
The aim of this book is to present the modern design and analysis principles of millimeter-wave communication system for wireless devices and to give postgraduates and system professionals the design insights and challenges when integrating ...
This book presents novel RIS-Based Smart Radio techniques, targeting at achieving high-quality channel links in cellular communications via design and optimization of the RIS construction.
Wu, S., P. Liu, and Y. Bar-Ness, “Phase noise estimation and mitigation for OFDM systems,” IEEE Trans. ... Ma, X., et al.,“Non-data-aided carrier offset estimators for OFDM with null subcarriers: identifiability, algorithms, ...
This book provides an excellent reference for all professionals working in the area of array signal processing and its applications in wireless communications.
... Digital Beamforming in Wireless Communications. Artech House, 1996. 21 L.J. Griffiths and C.W. Jim, “An alternative approach to linearly constrained adaptive beamforming,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. AP–30 ... mobile communications,