Beauty Reality, Male Eye, Female Mind: The Photography of Tony Ryan
A collection of portraits and nudes taken from The Lane Collection, which have only been previously published in the form of exhibition catalogues.
"Le premier mot qui me vient à l'esprit en regardant les images de John Stewart est un beau mot anglais : stillness.
Die Kunst der Schwarzweiß-Fotografie: Akt: Bildgestaltung und Technik am Beispiel berühmter Aktfotografien
Synopsis coming soon.......
“Hedgecoe has the knack of photographing the human form...without his photographs becoming tawdry...Hedgecoe’s essay/workshop formula is applied to nude photography to great effect. This is now one of my favorite books on the subject.
John Hedgecoe's Nude Photography
canon of work for Reflections." --Book Jacket.
Photographs by Michael Schmidt.