50 videnskabsfolk beretter om hvorfor de tror på skabelsesberetningen på trods af deres naturvidenskabelig baggrund
Cass and her brother Wilbur scavenge through the ruins of a future London, seeking a powerful relic for their Russian masters, but the search takes on a new urgency after the arrival of Erin and Peyto, strangers from afar who claim to hold ...
Jordan's account is primarily designed to answer any approach to the text of Genesis, such as the increasingly popular Framework Hypothesis, that pits the text's literary features against its historical and narrative sense.
Ken Ham, international speaker and author on biblical authority, examines how compromise starting in Genesis, particularly in regard to the six days of creation and the earth's age, have filtered down from the Bible colleges and seminaries ...
rudimentary night capability from the Soviet military, nothing high tech, but it wouldn't take much to compromise their position. Light discipline was something everyone worried about and practiced. This small infraction was met with ...
The Experiences and Views of a U.N. Observer(London: Lee Cooper, 1973), p. 95. Mutawi,jordan in the 1967 War, pp. 38–39, 114. Susser, On Both Banks of the jordan, p. 78. 52. Moshe Zak, Hussein Ose Shalom (Ramat Gan: Merkaz Begin-Sadat, ...
Britain's Prime Minister Harold Wilson telephoned Lester Pearson, hiscounterpart in Canada,onWednesday 7 June.After expressing his surprise that the Russians had voted forthe ceasefire resolution in the UN, this is how the conversation ...
Did God Create in Six Days?
This book refutes the framework interpretation and other figurative interpretations of the days of creation and shows the majestic progression of God's work of creation in six literal days.
Red-faced men hollered and waved fistfuls of paper orders at Post 4, trying to sell General Motors. Post 2, where U.S. Steel was traded, was "the center of a sort of madness" as masses of traders waved and gestured to be heard.
Equal parts visceral and cerebral, Six Days in Rome is an ode to the Eternal City, a celebration of art and creativity, and a meditation on self-discovery. Includes a Reading Group Guide.