Evolved from working with head injured groups at Headway and those attempting to return to work, this is a rich, comprehensive and photocopiable workbook for professionals, carers and clients.
Many who have worked with people with brain injuries have found that the brain works like a muscle and can be exercised in a similar fashion.
"Evolved from working with head injured groups at Headway and those attempting to return to work, this is a rich, comprehensive and photocopiable workbook for professionals, carers and clients.
"Transformative...[Taylor's] experience...will shatter [your] own perception of the world."—ABC News The astonishing New York Times bestseller that chronicles how a brain scientist's own stroke led to enlightenment On December 10, 1996, ...
Beginning with detailed information on risk factors, epidemiology, prevention, and neurophysiology, the book details the acute and long-term treatment of all stroke-related impairments and complications.
In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the volume features 94 reproducible client handouts. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.
Management and treatment of CF has improved in past decades, and physical training, airway clearance and conventional physiotherapy have been shown to increase QoL, exercise capacity and dyspnea (Davis et al 1996; Bradley et al 2005; ...
... scanning training for left visual neglect after right hemisphere stroke Specific gestural or strategy training for apraxia during acute rehabilitation for left hemisphere stroke Isolated microcomputer exercises for left neglect has ...
Restoration of Function After Brain Injury
This book provides a summary of the neurobiology of innate and treatment-induced repair mechanisms after hypoxia and reviews the state of the art for human therapeutics in relation to promoting behavioral recovery after stroke.