Sedges of Maine is a full-illustrated guide to all species, subspecies, and extant hybrids in the Cyperaceae family that occur in Maine. This field guide presents the key features and detailed descriptions -- and summarizes the ecology and statewide distribution -- for each species. This guide also uses narratives and keys with side-by-side color photographs to help users identify similar-looking species.--Page 4 de la couverture.
"A visual reference for identification of the approximately 236 sedges of the Northern Forest Region, with quick guides, systematic sections, annotations, and notes. Accompanying folding charts for field use sold separately"--
Devoid of technical jargon, this volume is an indispensable tool for those curious about the often-overlooked grasses, sedges, and rushes that surround us.
A Field Guide to Grasses, Sedges and Rushes
Natural Communities of New Hampshire
This book updates scientists and researchers with the very latest information and sustainable methods used for stress tolerance, which will also be of considerable interest to plant based companies and institutions concerned with the ...
Sphagnaceae – Timmiaceae. The New York Botanical Garden, New York. 419 p. ARSENAULT , S.C. et WEBER , M., MITTELHAUSEN , G.H., CAMERON , D., DIBBLE , A.C., HAINES , A., ROONEY , J.E. 2013. Sedges of Maine. A field guide to Cyperaceae.
Exploring the Prairie Fen Wetlands of Michigan: By Michael A. Kost and Daria A. Hyde
The book is an expert, accessible guide to the nearly 250 species of sedges and rushes in Minnesota.
This guide describes 590 species, with detailed information on flowering season, related species, range, and habitat.
This 2006 book places special emphasis on important issues specific to the Hudson, such as the effect of power plants and high concentrations of PCBs.