Country Inns Back Roads
Country Inns and Back Roads. North America: New England, West Coast, Canada, Middle Atlantic, South, Midwest, Rocky Mou
The other inn is the Whistling Swan , which the Coulsons purchased and have remodeled and redecorated during the last year or more . Both inns are located in the heart of Fish Creek's historic section .
Evaluates the facilities, ambience, and dining at eighty-nine inns in Alberta, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan
Country Inns, Lodges, and Historic Hotels, Canada, 1991/92
Country Inns and Back Roads
Prince Edward Island Pictorial Country Inns, Bed Breakfast and Much More
Publicity: New Mexican, Glamour, Southwest Art and San Diego Union Tribune. ... This was originally a two-bedroom Spanish farmhouse that doubled in size to a Territorial style in 1860, ... 7 rooms with PB, 4 with FP, 2 cottages.
The 25th-anniversary edition of the perennially popular guidebook to B&Bs, inns, and guesthouses, featuring more than 4,500 inns from 30 countries.
Offers information on accommodations, restaurants, and local attractions, along with tips on transportation, guidelines for shopping excursions, and symbols to indicate budget options.