Grafton , Vermont THE OLD TAVERN AT GRAFTON Grafton , VT 05146. 802-843-2231 . Innkeeper : Richard Ernst . Open all year except Christmas Eve , Christmas Day , and April . The Old Tavern at Grafton is an impressive piece of restoration ...
Susan J. Newhof, Stephen J. Pyle. owner / innkeeper : Elsa Strom Blaney Park Road , M - 77 Route 1 , P.O. Box 58 A Blaney Park , MI 49836 906-283-3409 The Old Eagle Hotel Eagle River In the mid - 22 North Country.
To the southeast of Grafton along the Great River Road is the nearest big town , Alton . Here on a rock bluff is a representation of an Indian painting of Piasa Bird . The huge painting of the monster is a replica of the one that ...
pets in residence: none open season: May to November I rates: $80 to $125 e-mail: none website: owners/innkeepers: Darlene and Roger Cassady 4446N M-77 Highway Blaney Park, MI 49836-9106 906-183-3409 CURTIS ...
Special indexes round out this guide by helping you find the inns with features that are most important to you! (5 1/2 X 8 1/2, 416 pages, maps, illustrations)
Over 200 recipes from over 100 Country Inns, plus historical and personal information about the inns and their keepers.
Auntie Audrey's Goat Cheese Egg Cups, 404 Bagels and Lox Benedict, 330–31 Baked Eggs and Cheese, 438 Baked Eggs in Maple Toast Cups, 162–62 Baked Eggs with Mushroom Sauce, 265 Baked Eggs with Three Cheeses, 229 Baked Scotch Eggs, ...
he Lodge on Lake Lure LAKE LURE , NORTH CAROLINA 28746 Let me illustrate that " tad of humor . ” THELODGE ON BLAKE LURE cer Offerreault TA " The outside of the building doesn't tell the story ; the view tells the story , " Robin said .
132 of the best and most interesting inns in ten southern states.
A traveler's guide to the quaint, historical inns of California includes price guides, local points of interest, facilities, and services
These beautiful new editions of the country's favorite inn series offer -- objective, discriminating selections -- no inn can pay to be included; -- a selection of fine inns in smaller communities throughout the nation; -- more "boutique" ...