This guide offering irresistible profiles of idyllic getaways for couples is a popular title for a nationwide audience. 7 maps. 140 illustrations.
Susan J. Newhof, Stephen J. Pyle. owner / innkeeper : Elsa Strom Blaney Park Road , M - 77 Route 1 , P.O. Box 58 A Blaney Park , MI 49836 906-283-3409 The Old Eagle Hotel Eagle River In the mid - 22 North Country.
Guide to the Recommended Country Inns of the West Coast: California, Oregon, Washington
The fifth edition of this discriminating guide to California's unusual hostelries and the best bed-and-breakfast inns. Illustrated.
Handy icons help you to recognize at a glance which inns you want to know more about. Special indexes round out this guide, helping you find the inns with features that are most important to you!
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You'll find everything you need in a B&B guidebook: - A handpicked selection of wonderful places to stay, chosen by professional travel writers. No inn can buy its way in--and that can't be said of all B&B guides.
New England's highly acclaimed and best-loved inn guide features 216 full-service inns from remote mountain lodges in Vermont to a sea captain's house in the heart of Nantucket. 6 locator maps.
A traveler's guide to the quaint, historical inns of California includes price guides, local points of interest, facilities, and services
Country Inns Lodges, and Historic Hotels of the Middle Atlantic States