In a society that is hostile to anyone who declares absolutes, that tolerates faith in any form, that values emotion over reason and trendiness over conviction, it's no suprise that many American chuches have lost their ability to discern between biblical truth and doctrinal error. John MacArthur attempts to set them straight.
Phillips simply defines belief in God in a way that suits exactly what he wishes to say about religion as a language game. Understanding and believing go hand in hand, ... Aren't many like this? The cost of holding the Phillips position ...
" Qu'est-ce que la vie ? " " Qu'est-ce que l'homme ? " " D'où vient l'univers ? ". Il est longtemps allé de soi que ces questions, purement métaphysiques,...
On Islamic thougts and practice in Malaysia; collection of articles.
Daughter of Rising Moon: Portrait of a Potawatomi Storyteller
This book moves beyond the tired arguments of militant atheists such as Dawkins and Hitchens to explore how religion has always played a valuable part in human culture and far from being dismissed as redundant, must be allowed to temper and ...
This dissertation argues that theological paradox rightly orders human reason by showing that God is (1) above created reason, and (2) against fallen reason.
En los procesos legales se “jura por Dios” (aunque no es obligatorio pues existe la posibilidad de un juramento no religioso), y qué decir de su moneda, que lleva un lema que dice “In God we Trust”. El presidente entrante de los Estados ...
Forthcoming titles from M&K: The Clinician's Guide to Chronic Disease Management for Long Term Conditions: A cognitive-behavioural approach ISBN: 978-1-905539-15-4 The ECG Workbook ISBN: 978-1-905539-14-7 Obesity and a Scientific ...
This book explains the importance of using your mind not only to win others to Christ but also to experience personal spiritual growth.
I.10 The Ethical Implications of Unity and the Divine in Nicholas of Cusa. David L. De Leonardis. ... Normative Ethics and Objective Reason. ... I.14 The Deficient Cause of Moral Evil According to Thomas Aquinas. Edward Cook.