Why do so many women struggle with beauty? This book explores up-to-the-minute research and biblical truths to help you understand why beauty is an important spiritual issue for so many women. In a recent survey, 48 percent of American women said they felt “wholesale displeasure” about their bodies. Many of the rest disliked some part of their appearance, such as their thighs, tummy, or hips. Meanwhile, most Christian women recite what they’ve been taught to believe: how you look doesn’t matter; inner beauty is what counts. The truth is, few women know what the Bible really says about beauty, so we’re at a loss when a daughter reveals an eating disorder, a friend says she hates her body, or we find ourselves anxious about another birthday or another ten pounds. Why Beauty Matters explores current research that has made Newsweek headlines, delves into the breadth of biblical wisdom about beauty, and listens to real women as they struggle with the tough issues that make physical appearance one of the most important spiritual issues of our lives.
Beauty in Context : Towards an Anthropological Approach to Aesthetics . ... Reconcilable Differences : Confronting Beauty , Pornography , and the Future of Feminism . ... Monster / Beauty : Building the Body of Love .
"First published in hardback as Beauty, 2009"--T.p. verso.
Easy. A couple of Google clicks and we'd be done. In the process, we had no idea how much our lives would change.Our quest has been epic. We journeyed across centuries and cultures to discover Au Coeur. "At the heart.
should not invent a 'secondary quality' which we 'perceive in' the pain patches, through our sensation of pain. We should rather say that the patches cause us to feel pain – we don't yet know why. (There is another lesson to be learned ...
How to determine whether an artwork is truly beautiful. The respective roles of reason and emotion in appreciating beauty. How the beauty of nature testifies to God's existence . . . while rejection of God obscures nature's beauty.
Scruton, Death-Devoted Heart, p. 12. Scruton, Philosophy: Principles and Problems, p. 106. Ibid., p.135. Sigmund Freud, 'Three Essays on Sexuality' in On Sexuality, J. Strachey and A. Richards (trans. & eds) (London: Harmondsworth ...
This is evidenced by a current cultural shift from the supposedly objective to an emerging trust in the subjective – a renewed fascination for aesthetics supported by new knowledge emanating simultaneously from disparate disciplines.
Au Coeur: Why Beauty Matters
This essays draws on some theoretical perspectives and research as they inform an understanding of the power of beauty and its transformational affect on the human psyche and development.