Wetlands occur at the interface of upland and aquatic ecosystems, making them unique environments that are vital to ecosystem health. But wetlands are also challenging to assess and understand. Wetland researchers have developed specialized analytical methods and sampling techniques that are now assembled for the first time in one volume. More than 100 experts provide key methods for sampling, quantifying, and characterizing wetlands, including wetland soils, plant communities and processes, nutrients, greenhouse gas fluxes,redox-active elements, toxins, transport processes, wetland water budgets,and more.
Methods in Biogeochemistry of Wetlands
This book is an excellent resource for senior undergraduates and graduate students studying ecosystem biogeochemistry with a focus in wetlands and aquatic systems.
Explores how the management of wetlands can influence carbon storage and fluxes. Wetlands are vital natural assets, including their ability to take-up atmospheric carbon and restrict subsequent carbon loss to facilitate long-term storage.
Science and Applications K. Ramesh Reddy, Ronald D. DeLaune ... Z. Osborne); (3) mangrove swamp, Lost Man's River, Everglades National Park, Florida (photo by Todd Z. Osborne); and (4) shore of Blue Cypress Lake, Blue Cypress Marsh, ...
Pimary goal in this volume: to summarize what is known for the geomorphology, human uses, ecology processes, and flora and fauna of tidal freshwater wetlands
BACC II is a project of the Baltic Earth research network and contributes to the World Climate Research Programme. This book is an update of the first BACC assessment, published in 2008.
In this book a CD is included containing color figures of wetlands and estuaries in different parts of the world. * Includes a CD containing color figures of wetlands and estuaries in different parts of the world.
The Wetland Book is a comprehensive resource aimed at supporting the trans- and multidisciplinary research and practice which is inherent to this field.
Opportunities for Environmental Applications of Marine Biotechnology: Proceedings of the October 5-6, 1999, Workshop addresses the question of where the federal government should invest its limited funds and what future initiatives should ...
Seagrass photosynthesis controls rates of calcification and photosynthesis of calcareous macroalgae in a tropical seagrass meadow. ... In: Global Seagrass Research Methods, Short F.T., Coles R.G. (eds), Elsevier Science: Amsterdam, pp.