Reading Connections: Strategies for Teaching Students with Visual Impairments offers an in-depth and user-friendly guide for understanding reading instruction for teachers and professionals seeking to improve the reading skills of their students who are visually impaired. The book addresses in detail the essential components of reading--phonemic awareness, phonics, reading fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension--as well as other key reading components and subskills. While this book addresses the needs of students who read print, braille, or both, much of the book is also consistent with strategies for teaching reading to students who have, or are at risk for, developing reading disabilities. Teachers of students with visual impairments, as well as family members and other professionals who work with children who are blind or visually impaired, will find within this book a repertoire of strategies and activities for creating a balanced, comprehensive plan of reading instruction for each student and for teaching the essential reading skills necessary for students' success.
Even so, when we use reading and writing in tandem to achieve our objectives, it can have a powerful effect (Tierney ... From as early as kindergarten all the way through college, students use reading and writing together to learn ...
This book also includes tips on designing worksheets, introducing braille contractions, teaching the use of the braillewriter, and facilitating the writing process in braille.
Making Reading Connections
"Contains 20 units based on a variety of modern topics.
This book shows that reading-writing is a two-way street that is burgeoning with research activity. It provides a comprehensive and updated view on reading-writing connections by drawing on extant research and findings.
Intended for use by college and university educators, this book contains theoretical ideas and practical activities designed to enhance and promote writing across the curriculum programs. Topics discussed in the...
If you are holding this book, it’s a good bet that you love to read, too. Read on, and let Megan show you how to make your love for books and your love for the children in your life add up to something special.
Other people change their names when they become famous. Many famous actors have changed their names. They may believe that their name is too ordinary. They want a name that sounds more exciting. Martial arts star Jet Li's original name ...
Small-group read-alouds may be more conducive to certain classrooms, where attention spans are short or children are ... The children develop a relationship with one another throughout the year by writing and reading to each other.
Making Connections Level 4 Teacher's Manual contains teaching suggestions for each activity type as well as a complete answer key.