Lawrence Tully has been studying Indian artifacts for over 50 years and he has put all this knowledge into this book, first printed in 1986. Each flint blade and projectile point artifact that is pictured is photographed to actual size and there are hundreds of good sharp photos of primary, modified, stemmed, notched, and ceremonial blades and projectile points. This is the definitive guide to the many artifacts of the North American Indian. No values.
... Prehistoric Indian Art . ASV Quarterly Bulletin , Vol . 40 , No. 3 , pp . 112-121 . ( 1985 ) Virginia's Amateur Certification Program . Archaeology of Eastern North America , Vol . 13 , pp . 176- 177 . ( 1984 ) Virginia Paleoindians : A ...
Jack Hranicky is a retired U.S. Government contractor, but he has been involved with archaeology as a full-time passion for over 40 years.
Wm Jack Hranicky RPA. 1013 - Monrovia Points Monrovia [Notched] Point - named by Wm Jack Hranicky in 1991 after a city in Maryland. It is a side notched point with pointed stem corners. Base is concaved and is not ground.
This is strictly a buyer beware approach to collection Indian artifacts. Because of fakes on the market, this medium destroys local collection integrity. Wm Jack Hranicky RPA Thomas Jefferson - America's first amateur archaeologist.
By Wm Jack Hranicky RPA This archaeological publication covers the development, definition classification, and world-wide deployment of the lithic bipoint and includes numerous bipoint photographs, drawings, and maps.
The American Southwest is the focus for this volume in Noel Justice's series of reference works that survey, describe, and categorize the projectile point and cutting tools used in prehistory by Native American peoples.
STEINER A small, serrated, triangular point that has short projecting spurs at various intervals along the recurved lateral edges. The small, barbed shoulders flare outward, and the stem varies from mildly expanding to rectangular.
Frison , George C. , and Bruce A. Bradley 1980 Folsom Tools and Technology at the Hanson Site , Wyorning . University of New Mexico Press . 1981 Fluting Folsom Projectile Points : Archaeological Evidence . Lithic Technology 10 : 13–16 .
Mississippi Projectile Point Guide
"This is an important new reference work for the professional archaeologist as well as the student and collector.