28 29 30 31 32 Alexander -- 20 " " Happy. Alexander -- 12 " " Little Huggums " . All cloth with vinyl head . Molded painted light brown hair . Blue sleep eyes / molded lashes . Open / closed mouth . Marks : Alexander , on head . 1963.
The above " The Story of Terri Lee ” was written for children and is conntained in some of the Terri Lee Fashion booklets with the address of Apple Valley , California . The following is a copy of the cover on one of the Fashion ...
KAY - SAM 190 KNICKERBOCHER LAKESIDE LORRIE 191 192 MARX 193 HOYER 194 Mattel. Jolly Toys -- 7 " " Lil'Lil ” Plastic body and legs . Vinyl arms and head . Rooted blonde hair . Painted blue side glancing eyes . Posable head .
This information was sent by Dorothy G. Grooms . Joan Amundsen sends information that she has a Danny O'Day with composition head that is dressed in a Texaco uniform , from the time that Jimmy Nelson did the commercials on the Milton ...
Descriptions are provided for specific dolls produced by American and foreign doll companies between 1935 and 1971 that have become collectors items.
Photographs and descriptions of and price information on over one thousands dolls produced by American and foreign manufacturers
( Courtesy Kay Shipp ) Alexander -- 20 ” “ Cissy as Queen " Hard plastic with vinyl over sleeved arms . Jointed elbow . Ash blonde wig . Blue sleep eyes . High heels . Original . Marks : Alexander , on head .
Modern Collector's Dolls: Identification and Value Guide
Modern Collector Dolls Price Guide
Modern Collector's Dolls: Third Series
Modern Collector's Dolls Price Update 1995