Pictorial quilts reflect an artistic nature--a need to express an inner emotion or feeling, to share that feeling through fiber in perpetuity. As you proress through America's Pictorial Quilts, you will see some of the finest examples of quilted art.
An invaluable resource to America's quilt history, the Poos Collection shares its classic, one-of-a-kind quilts.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection of American quilts and coverlets is extremely diverse, encompassing excellent representative examples of most types of bed coverings. Bed covers from many regions of the United States are ...
The Perfect Patchwork Primer . Baltimore : Penguin Books , 1974 . Gwinner , Schnuppe von . The History of the Patchwork Quilt : Origins , Traditions and Symbols of a Textile Art . West Chester , PA : Schiffer Publishing , Ltd. , 1988 .
Quilting and Acolchar interpret the role of quilting in American life.
Vividly evoked in Faith Ringgold's sumptuous colors and patterns, WE CAME TO AMERICA is an ode to every American who came before us, and a tribute to the children who will carry its message into our future.
Zinnias: The Life of Clementine Hunter (2013), Robert Wilson's opera about the self-taught painter of happy subjects in Louisiana who was probably one hundred and one years old when she died in 1988, makes the point that Hunter could ...
Documentation with in-depth stories of Heroes; names of the fallen.#13;H-onor the fallen heroes#13;E-ducate the public#13;R-emember their sacrifice#13;O-pen hearts and minds#13;E-xhibit across America#13;S-upport the families
Presents 150 quilts from the author's collection which were made during the second half of the twentieth century by anonymous quilters in the United States, along with a series of essays on quilt making as an art form.
"One of America's largest collections of quilts - containing almost 400 examples at the time of this publication and steadily growing - belongs to the Museum of American Folk Art...
Quilting and Acolchar interpret the role of quilting in American life.