Using one of the most famous works in classical music—Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony—here is the perfect way to introduce a young child to the world of classical music.
The Boston Symphony Cookbook
The National Symphony Orchestra Cookbook
Portland Symphony Cookbook
The Vancouver Symphony Cookbook
Written by and for the sophisticated but time-challenged cook, with many Quick, Easy, and Delicious recipes marked QED. Cover and book design by celebrated artist, Sam Maitin.
The two-hundred-year development of the symphonic form is traced through a discussion of representative compositions from each period. Narrative covers background and heritage of the classical symphony in Austria and...
"Travel through the trees and across the seas with Maestro Mouse and his musical friends!
From the land of enchantment, you'll enjoy the mystique of the color artwork and historical vignettes.
The collection is for anyone who enjoys cookbooks, trying new recipes, or for those who take on food with a small musical bent to them. This is a must-read book for anyone who enjoys a great recipe book, detailed and straight to the point.