Jesus Christ is the most famous man in human history, but exactly who was He? Some say a fable; others think just one option among many good teachers, or even a nice guy who taught morals. Do any of these descriptions capture the totality of who He was? Jesus Unmasked goes directly to the world's greatest expert on Jesus Christ, Jesus Himself. Who Jesus said He was and why He said it the way He did What historical accounts and Biblical details reveal versus what we assume Why 4000 years of history, prophecy and chronology force every human being to render their verdict about this one man. When you encounter Jesus Unmasked, you will not be ambivalent. Jesus gives us clarity and insight into the nature of God. Interact with what Jesus taught about Himself and draw your own conclusions to the world's most important question: "Who is the real Jesus?"
Christ Unmasked: The Meaning of The Life of Jesus in German Politics
Jesus Unmasked
The Book of Revelation was meant to ignite awe and worship.
Two Beasts , Three Deadly Wounds and Fourteen Popes $ 16.95 PB 331 pgs . The Book of Revelation has been characterized as a mystery . Yet , the book describes itself as the " Revelation of Jesus Christ " ( Revelation 1 : 1 ) .
An incisive book that clearly explains the Mormons' basic beliefs and sharply refutes their subtle heresies. Offers Christians an easy-to-use guide on witnessing to Mormons.
When we know the truth, the truth will set us free. The Book of Isaiah teaches that a time will come when we will look on Satan in utter astonishment, and we will say, Is this the one who made the nations tremble?
Whether you read alone or use as a group study, through Ellen's unique style, you will be encouraged to grow, challenged to change, and influenced to live as Jesus intends.
... Christ Unmasked : The Meaning of The Life of Jesus in German Politics ( Chapel Hill , NC : University of North Carolina Press , 1983 ) . The period between the Restoration of 1815 and the Revolution of March 1848 ; see Bernhard Giesen ...
But what if there was no Jesus? What if there was no Mary or Joseph, no twelve apostles? What if the story of Jesus was no more than a myth to convey spiritual truth?
... Christ, it becomes apparent that the Powers are inimical to Him, acting not as His instruments but as His adversaries. e ... unmasked as false gods by their encounter with Very God; they are made a public spectacle. us Christ has ...