A.E. Waite recommended this to the young Aleister Crowley in 1896 as the book he should read to understand the nature of the Interior Church. This new issues of the third and best edition includes two introductions Waite wrote for the 1903 and 1909 editions.
The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary
The work was later adopted by occultists, given high status in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and drawing Aleister Crowley to join the order.
This book is recognized as a classic of Christian mysticism and is highly recommended for those seeking a deeper spiritual sense of themselves and the Christian faith.
A.E. Waite recommended this to the young Aleister Crowley in 1896 as the book he should read to understand the nature of the Interior Church.Karl von Eckartshausen was among the most unusual mystics of his day.
The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary by Karl von Eckartshausen is the document that introduced this concept to the 19th century occult communities. It is the work that inspired Aleister Crowley to pursue the Golden Dawn and magick.
For those who have known and loved these works in the past, this is an invitation to reunite with old friends in a fresh new format.
The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary by Karl von Eckartshausen is the document that introduced this concept to the 19th century occult communities. It is the work that inspired Aleister Crowley to pursue the Golden Dawn and magick.
Apart from "The Cloud upon the Sanctuary," Eckartshausen is a name only to the Christian Transcendentalists of England.
This Is A New Release Of The Original 1909 Edition.
The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary (Esoteric Classics)