Part directory, part anthology, and part introduction to communal living, this is probably the best guide to Christian communities in the US and Canada on the market.The main body of the text is based on survey material sent to the editor ...
Journey of Hope: Sources of the Corrymeela Vision
Watching her cleave fruit with a machete, you understood – if simultaneously ignoring the nearby hovels, the construction debris, the knowledge that suffering was only a storm away – the inspiration for Club Med.
The 25 year history of the St. Joseph's House Of Prayer, in Goulburn NSW, and a biography of its founder Sue Gordon Woods, and the many men and women who...
Christian Communities
Insights from psychology, group theory, and theology are knit together to create a primer for Christian communities. Especially helpful are insights into conflict, forgiveness, decision-making, intimacy, and confrontation.
Listening Hearts: Listening hearts
Listening hearts
Mary comes up constantly in Pierre Favre's Memoriale. ... in actione contemplativus, 1 Pierre Favre, The Spiritual Writings of Pierre Favre: The Memoriale and Selected Letters and Instructions, translated by Edmond C. Murphy and Martin ...
Marcus is known only from the Life of Daniel; see J R Martindale, The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire II AD ... of the road across Asia Minor is studied by David H French, Roman Roads and Milestones of Asia Minor fascicle 1: The ...