Introduces the geography, history, industries, cities, government, and people of "The Garden State."
Illustrations and text present the history, geography, people, politics and government, economy, and social life and customs of New Jersey, the home of Thomas Edison's laboratory and the Campbell Soup Company.
Immigrant ancestors of Rebecca Tyrell, who married Joel Sharp in 1801 in New Jersey. Ancestors, descendants and relatives lived mainly in Belgium, France, Netherlands, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Liberty Tavern
You New Jersey and the World
Introduces the geography, history, industries, cities, government, and people of "The Garden State".
William Carlos Williams ( 1883–1963 ) was a writer of poems , novels , short stories , and other genres . He was interested in both everyday subjects and romance . Williams grew up in Rutherford and returned there after he earned a ...
The Papers of Lewis Morris, Governor of the Province of New Jersey from 1738 to 1746
The New Jersey Colony by Dennis Brindell Fradin Consultant : Robert B. Burnett Director of Publications New Jersey Historical Society Newark , New Jersey R P CHILDRENS PRESS CHICAGO Library of Congress Cataloging - in - Publication Data ...
... Horace G. Prall Harold G. Hoffman A. Harry Moore Charles Edison Walter E. Edge Alfred E. Driscoll Robert B. Meyner Richard Hughes William T. Cahill Brendan T. Byrne Thomas H. Kean ago MAP KEY Absecon E3,4 Absecon Inlet ( inlet ).