Perman, Michael. TheRoadto Redemption: Southern Politics, 1869–1879. Chapel Hill: UniversityofNorthCarolina Press,1984. Pfaelzer, Jean.DrivenOut: TheForgotten War against Chinese Americans. New York: Random House,2007.
This book is a journey up and down Highway 1 that takes you from the redwoods of northern San Francisco to the mountains of the Sierra Nevada to the beaches of Southern California.
The book focuses on the San Francisco Bay Area and its hinterlands, which have long been creative spaces for social experiment.
top : Figure 6.12 John Lewis ; group of Moon Bottles : Arctic Wind Storm , Lunar Fission , Morning Calm , Reflected Moon , and Suspended Moon ; blown and lustered glass ; each about 4 to 442 inches . 1971 ( California Design 11 ) bottom ...
In this collection of photographs, California and the West Coast of America are shown in all their seasons and scenery, from arid deserts and dramatic mountain ranges, to vineyards and fruit farms in full bloom.
It is this genuine love of food - preparing it, eating it and sharing it - that fuels this positive energy in kitchens and around tables and makes California truly golden. This book celebrates the incredible food found on the West coast.
As Ever : The Collected Correspondence of Allen Ginsberg and Neal Cassady . Ed . Barry Gifford . Berkeley : Creative Arts Book Company , 1977 . Gruen , John . The New Bohemia : The Combine Generation . New York : Shorecrest , 1966 .
The Arthur H. Clarke Co., 1957. Fussell, Edwin. Frontier: American Literature and the American West. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1965. Garber, Frederick. “Unity and Diversity in Walking." Emerson Society Quarterly 56 (1969): ...
In addition , Charles DeLong , Thomas Fitch , John A. Collins , and Lloyd Frizzell were listed as members of the " People's Committee " to oppose ... Anderson to his wife , September 6 , 1862 ; First Directory of Nevada Territory , 66 .
. . . Anyone looking for a basic history of the California scene should start with this smart, opinionated book." --Chris Morris, Billboard