Explains how to create elegant bubble forms and perform other tricks and activities involving bubbles.
The book concludes with reviews of the current use of physical models alongside computer models, for example, in boundary layer wind tunnels, room acoustics, seismic engineering, hydrology, and air flow in buildings.
British adolescent angst has never been so “laugh-out-loud funny” as in this first encounter with a sharp-witted, pining, and achingly honest underdog (The New York Times).
In Amazing Kitchen Chemistry Projects You Can Build Yourself, kids ages 9 and up will experiment with kitchen materials to discover chemistry.
Capturing a single day in the life of Dubliner Leopold Bloom, his friends Buck Mulligan and Stephen Dedalus, his wife Molly, and a scintillating cast of supporting characters, Joyce pushes Celtic lyricism and vulgarity to splendid extremes.
Historical Background Alexander Graham Bell was born on this day in 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. He moved to America, ... Bang! by Peter Spier Eddycat Teaches Telephone Skills by Ada Barnett Eureka! It's a Telephone! by Jeanne Bendick ...
The Parsimonious Universe looks at examples from the world around us at a non-mathematical, non-technical level to show that nature achieves efficiency by being stingy with the energy it expends.
This book is designed to meet that need. It is timely and relevant.
This edition with Ardizzone's magically dreamy drawings has been revised to include all the changes de la Mare made in his final versions of the rhymes.
A meditative novel of a young boy on the cusp of adulthood follows a single year in the life of thirteen-year-old Jason Taylor as he grows up in what is for him the sleepiest village in Worcestershire, England, in 1982.
This eBook features the unabridged text of ‘Finnegans Wake’ from the bestselling edition of ‘The Complete Works of James Joyce’.