This book captures the charming personality of Christa McAuliffe, the teacher who was to be the first civilian in space. Unfortunately, the Challenger never made it past two minutes of its flight. However, this book details Christa's excitement for the space program and her love of teaching. It tells of the lives she touched and the joy she experienced in being accepted as an astronaut. It also chronicles the Challenger disaster and the flights that finally resumed after the tragedy was put to rest.
Rapid: Level 5 Space School Set A
Recently , Ken received the Post - Corbett Award for outstanding literary artist in the Greater Cincinnati area . An earlier version of Darkside was produced at the University of Virginia with production involvement from the National ...
The amazing full story of Apollo 11 - Tom Wolfe's The Right Stuff for a new generation
They made the rest of the trip in silence . In the underground tunnel linking the parking lot to the Hall , Judd grabbed Sarah's hand . ... She was intrigued by the hall's honeycombed ceiling of six - sided acoustical pillars .
Thomas wanted to do what they had done. In the Footsteps of Neil Armstrong and John Glenn is the story of the dedication and hard work that eventually made Thomas an astronaut who logged more than one thousand hours in space.
"This young reader biography is about the life of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon."--Page 4 of cover.
Hōngrīan nakbinʻaowakāt
" - Robin Praytor, author of the Dark Landing series.
Roberta Bondar: Leading Science Into Space